The Animal Diseases Amendment Act and The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers’ Liability Amendment Act

Manitoba farmers live in rural areas and may be located a significant distance from the nearest police station. In areas of the province crime has been increasing which has been a significant concern for Manitoba farmers.

KAP believes farmers have the right to feel safe and secure on their property.

In early 2020 KAP collaborated with nine other agricultural groups and expressed concerns about rural crime in a joint letter to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Agriculture. As a result of this collaborative engagement the Government of Manitoba introduced Bill 62 (link) and Bill 63 (link) in November 2020 to address the issue of trespassing and biosecurity.

Update – May 2021

The Government of Manitoba passed The Animal Diseases Amendment Act and The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers’ Liability Amendment Act.

Categories: Provincial Issues
Tags: 2020